Arranging your vehicle’s transfer by sea can be overwhelming. Passengers must complete all administrative procedures and vehicle inspection before boarding the ship.

Vehicle transportation by yacht offers additional advantages: luxury and comfort. There are, even, elite maritime transport companies that advise and take care of everything during the transfer, such as Naya’s Yacht, which guarantees a safe trip for the crew and vehicles.

Why choose sea transportation by yacht?

Among the variety of means to transport vehicles, the most common is by sea, but boarding a yacht definitely provides a trip of luxury and comfort.

What advantages does the yacht transport service offer?

It is ideal for people who want to go on vacation and bring their own vehicle, transport everything they want, or visit places freely.

In addition, the transportation capacity includes a variety of types of vehicles over long distances. Another convenient advantage of maritime service is safety; the chances of a yacht wrecking are minimal.

Transporting vehicles by yacht is a modality covered by maritime transport insurance, which has a policy in case of loss and damage to vehicles. When transporting a vehicle, a yacht is used for rolling cargo, and the goods are loaded and unloaded from the vessel to the dock by means of mobile access ramps.

This modality has proven to be efficient, safe, and fast, with less vehicle loading and unloading time. However, road trips are more dangerous than sea trips.

The chances of suffering a fatal crash are higher if you travel on roads at high speeds, or you may also be a victim of unconscious drivers.

When traveling by sea on a yacht, you will no longer have to stay awake, as it happens when driving on highways for many hours, or delaying your trip due to traffic congestion.

The refreshing sea breeze and the comfort of the yacht’s air conditioning spaces provide a pleasant and relaxing environment, free of smog and annoying noise.

Contact us to request our services for transporting vehicles by sea. We have different connections and routes, provide advice on loading and unloading agents and customs, and we are willing to help you with administrative procedures.

Our company has a specialized team of professionals in charge of logistics, cargo handling, and your vehicle. Enjoy this unique experience, and travel with us.

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